Clear  Acrilic  Coating | Cairan pelindung dari air,asam dll.

airan pelapis yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung yang tahan terhadap air, asam alkaline, alcohol, asap, kimia, bensin, minyak, gemuk. Sangat cocok untuk machinery, ficture, cable, electrical connector dan component.

P 724 Clear  Acrilic  Coating  terdapat dalam bentuk kemasan aerosol dengan isi @ 470 ml, 600 ml, 400 ml.


P 724 Clear Acrylic Coating | Protective fluids from water, acid etc.

P 724 Clear Acrylic Coating is fluid serves as a protective coating that is resistant to water, acid alkaline, alcohol, smoke, chemicals, gasoline, oil, grease. It is suitable for machinery, ficture, cable, electrical connectors and components.

Clear Acrylic Coating P 724 are in the form of aerosol packaging to the content of @ 470 ml, 600 ml, 400 ml.

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